Moving Back To My Parent's House


My favorite neighbourhood in SG: Tiong Bahru

     I've been away from home since 2012. Back then I was overjoyed with the fact that I'll be living far from my parents. The thought of snacking or staying late whenever I want makes me fly to cloud 9:)) Of course, there some ups and downs of living by myself (like lack of nutrition from unhealthy meals and lack of $$$). But the thoughts of doing (almost) anything without worrying about my parent's judgment make me leave the house without thinking twice.

    To be honest, my parents were never really strict with me. It's been just okay. I can hang out with my friends or going to an event/concert. I also don't have a curfew, as long as my friend sent me home. But when you grow up, sometimes it's unavoidable for us to be involved in arguments with our parents. That thing tires me a lot. So I thought that living far from home is the best solution for now. Plus, I always wanna try to live outside my hometown just to challenge myself more.

    I decided to move back when the pandemic happens. My parents also asked me to do it because I was doing WFH anyway. Even though It's not bizarre here in Indonesia to live with your parents, I do feel slight awkwardness after spending some time with them. I forgot that they've been living in this structured and organized house, while I've been living my YOLO life hahaha. I have to do some major adjustments after I got into arguments with my mom about many things.


    It's hard not to feel like a loser when you back home and sort of being a burden to your parents. My underpaid job also feels like a failure. It shows that I can't stand on my own feet yet and it makes me feel awful. I wondered how long until I can go back to Jakarta with a better job and better pay so that I won't be burdensome to my parents. To sum it up, I hit the rock bottom instantly once I landed here.

    But then I found this video and started to look at things from the bright side. I've been living away for a pretty long time, which means I don't communicate much with my family in real life. Now I can easily chat with my mom before her bedtime or watching TV with my dad. I also can cook together with my brother (he's surprisingly good now!). I definitely live better  & healthier (no junk food and es kopi aren every day) and pretty much more organized. Right now, I'm catching up with everything that I couldn't do while I'm away. 

    I know I have to go back someday, but until then, my time now is for my family and I don't regret a bit:)

See you tomorrow! 


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