This Too Shall Pass

Sorry for being M.I.A these past days (or weeks?).

    Things are going wild lately. The pandemic is still going on and it's even stronger now. I saw some PCR test spots are full of people. Hospitals in my hometown also overloaded with Covid19 patients. A few days ago, my Mom's workmate was also infected, which caused her to panic. She took the antigen test and thank God she's negative.

    Despite the pandemic thingy and all, I feel really stress with my job-searching activity that, so far, still doesn't show any good signs. These situations started to feel like going back to March-April 2020 when the pandemic just started. But the difference is I still had full salary to survive😂😂😂. Frankly, I barely survive now hahaha. On the other hand, my brother just got his first full-time job after he graduated last year. Yay! So proud of him and his hard work.

    As a Javanese woman, my Mom always believes these Javanese words 'Sawang Sinawang'. To make it short, 'Sawang Sinawang' means perception. We often see that our neighbor's lawn is greener than us. We feel like there's no good thing happen in our life, meanwhile, everyone around us got to live this exciting life. When my brother gets the job, I won't lie that I feel sad and angry, how in the world that I can't land any new job yet? But after I calm down and start thinking with a cold head, I realize that maybe it's just not my time now.

    Other people's life might look better and easier, but we never know the struggle they have to go through. I understand that all I can do is keep trying and praying. Hopefully, there will be light at the end of the tunnel😊.

    Please stay safe and healthy! Call your friends/family more often. Cherish every moment, because you never know if it's going to be your last.

See you tomorrow!


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