Jakarta: つづく

Car Free Day @ Bundaran HI
Photo by Me<3

    There are millions of words to describe Jakarta and each people might choose a different word. For someone who goes to Jakarta for few days, they might choose 'crowded' or 'bad traffic'. For some locals, they might describe Jakarta as 'home' or 'battlefield'. You can't describe this city if you never experience it by yourself. Because every street, every person you bumped into, every skyscraper or alley has its own story.

    I personally describe Jakarta as a 'place where hope blooms and dead'. I'm sorry if this sounds emo, but it's just the way I feel and see😅. There's almost no easy way to 'melt' with this city. You just got to really know where you put your feet in. As a capital city, it's natural for Jakarta to be the center of everything. That's why many people go to this city with a bunch of hope and dreams. Some might get what they wanted, but tons of them not. Still, there's something about Jakarta that makes you want to come back and conquer it. 

KRL Sudirman
Photo by Me<3

    I saw someone's tweet last week that said 'Don't go to Jakarta without exit plan'. At first, I wasn't thinking much about it. What's so wrong with settling down in this city? They got everything I need (international live concerts, prestige art exhibitions, choices of public transportation, etc). The city is so alive, it barely sleeps. Everything looks good until I really ask myself 'Do you really want all of these? Are you really okay with the seasonal flood, pollution, packed train during rush hour, or feeling not safe every time you walk alone?'.  Of course, the answer is no. Even so, I still believe that living and leaving Jakarta is equally hard. All I need to do is to try again and prove myself wrong.

    I hope there will another chance to try again. Maybe I'll find the exact answer along the way. In the meantime, let's find a way to go back to Jakarta💪.

See you tomorrow!


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