Being an 'artsy' kid :))


Photo by Me <3

    There so many favorite activities that I can't do during the Pandemic. One of them is going to art exhibitions. I used to love spending my weekend gallery-hopping with my friends. It's free (well, most of them), exciting, and very relaxing. Strolling around the gallery, trying to understand the stories behind the painting or art installation, joining the exhibition tour with the curator, or if we're lucky, with the artist himself. 

    I don't remember the very first time I'm interested in art. Back in my hometown, I didn't really expose to art exhibitions, so when I move to Jakarta I tried to go to many (free) exhibitions that the city offered. I feel absolute joy every time I went to these places. I can't help but wish to have the ability to draw anything that popped in my mind or create something that so meaningful, so it can inspire others.

    I think it's really cool to be an Artist. How can they turn plain paper into drawings or any kind of art that comes from their imagination and ended being showed at the exhibition/gallery. The art would be seen, felt, praised, or even sold. It's so crazy that it all can happen. 

    Pablo Picasso once said that every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow upWhen I was in Kindergarten, my mom used to take me to a drawing/painting course held by my school's art teacher. I feel ecstatic at the beginning because my friends are really talented and it makes me jealous😂. I can't even draw basic human or animal hahaha. I was that bad and still am! After I joined several meetings, I realized that I didn't gain drawing ability a bit😅. I still struggle to convert my imaginations into dots and lines on paper. I tried so hard to follow the instructions, but my drawing is still far from perfect. I just don't understand how and why. Fast forward to my college days, my drawing ability is still nowhere to be found, but my fondness for art is growing. I start going to art exhibitions and having some close friends who also fond of arts. We often talk about some happening artists or going to several art-related events. One day, we even skipped class to go to Galeri Nasional, because that day was the last of the exhibition hahaha. It was hilarious how we took KRL all the way from Depok because we don't want to miss the chance to see our favorite Artist works.

    Went to many exhibitions and events make me realize that art comes in my forms and styles. There's no such thing as 'perfect' art. Every detail dan color brought certain stories. I wish people told me to keep drawing. Even though it doesn't look like a human, animal, or any real creature. I wish people told me to be confident and never give up to make art. Who knows I might displaying my works in Galleries or Museum hahaha.

Ahh... maybe I'll be an Artist in another life😄.

See you tomorrow!

'Art' that I made after I lost my Grandpa


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