Where Have I Been??


    I have always been keen on makeup since my college days. Back then I would rock a deep red lipstick and bold eyeliner:)) It's fun to see how adding some colors to your face can make you look like a different person. In 2018, I was frustrated with finding a full-time job after I finished my internship. Until one day I saw a local makeup brand that's looking for someone to fill the Customer Relation position up. This position is somehow way too far from my expectation and my passion. I'm always picturing myself working as a content writer, copywriter, or social media officer. The closest thing with writing in this job is making promotional broadcast chats on their E-commerce & Whatsapp hahaha. Not cool at all. Even though the job is not really what I expected, I did learn many things there. 

    As a customer relation(-slash-admin), I learned how to communicate with current and future customers. People assume that being an admin/CS is an easy thing to do. You only have to respond to them a.s.ap and make them feel like 'kings and queens' because they said that customers are our top priority. The thing is, it's not easy at all hahaha. First, you have to manage your emotions well. Don't ever let them make you emotional. Keep being friendly and reply to their messages with proper words. Give them reassurance and solutions, so that they will feel satisfied with your service. Don't let them hanging out without clear solutions.

    The interesting thing about working in a Start-up company is you have to quickly adapt to many 'surprises'. One day you're a Customer Relation, the next day you might be the Sales representative of your company:)) I'm always open to new opportunities because I'm excited to learn new things. I suddenly have to handle some things that are related to Sales, including communicating with partners (online & offline shops), maintaining resellers/dropshippers, curating promotions on all channels, monitoring product stock, and many more. There are days that I feel overwhelmed since I didn't have business knowledge whatsoever. So, what I do the most is improvising hahaha. Since I'm used to assisting customers, communicating with partners is pretty much easy (plus I don't have to go to offline meetings, thanks to pandemic). Also, curating promotions and monitoring products are not hard things. I tried to gain my knowledge of business in retail & beauty by joining some free webinars or IG live. I realized that I have to be more sensitive to certain matters, like how other brands sculpting their range of products, how they deliver their vision & mission through their social media and sales channels, or understanding current and future makeup trends that might help our sales. But to be honest, I learned so much from asking (too) many questions to my colleagues about sales-thingy:)) Most of them graduated from bonafide business school, so I better absorb new knowledge as much as I can hahaha.

    Now I pretty much understand the gist of Sales. Although, I still need to learn more about it. I think I'm open to more options of job positions now, rather than only stuck with my 'dream job'. Hopefully, I can get into a new place and earn more experience! In the meantime, let's resurrect this blog and fill it with interesting stories and reviews!

See you tomorrow!


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