Oh, well...


     Ohh hello, guys!

    I know I've been M.I.A for a few months and I'm deeply sorry for that. My main reason: work.

    Just like any adult in this world, I've been drowning in a pile of unending tasks. All of this time-consuming work has been a huge part of my life right now. Sometimes I wonder when all of this will eventually end? When can I finally enjoy life just the way it is? Hmm.. maybe I'll figure it out someday.

    Anyway, yo gal has had a new title since last February: MAR-KE-TING. Sounds cool, 'aite? I couldn't believe that someone actually sees me from another point of view and believes that I'm potential enough for this job hahaha. Everything looks fine at first because I thought this is the right time to learn new things that might be beneficial for me in the future. The process was pretty bumpy, but after 3 months I think I finally got the gist. But to be honest, each day gets rough and it drains me so much. I don't know if this is just me being weak and can't perform well under pressure, but one thing I know is I'm constantly mentally exhausted. For your information, I never had any mental problems. Not that I know so far lol. So when this hits me, I can't do much about it. I told my friends that I'm lowkey burnout, but they also feel the same way. So I guess, this just me finally figuring out how adulting actually looks like😂

    I remember one of my Oma told me that if we do any work happily, we won't feel the burden to do it. The funny thing is I can't remember the last time I felt happy doing this job. It's been 10 months and I often get weird anxiety or trouble sleeping just because I can't stop thinking about my unfinished work. The commute thingy is also getting harder and more annoying each day. So how can I do everything happily?

    Only time will tell how long this will last hahaha. What I can do until the last day of this month is just ride the wave, until I finally saw the shore and start a new adventure there😊 Please wish this girl tons of luck!

    See you tomorrow!


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