a lil update november

Not related with my post, but I just want to inform you that my fave pizza joint has opened in my city hehehe

 Hello November!

    Wow, we're heading to the end of 2021 like in fast & furious mode. I can feel Mariah Carey starting to defrost right now. Not so many things have happened since my last post, except I'm a few pennies richer than months ago HAHAHA. Kidding! But really, not so many things have changed during these months.

    Well, I don't really have updates about my current job. Still feels okay to me and it pays pretty well (if we compare it to my last job). Now I can buy those skincare and pay for my dental bills:)) I'm not really sure what I have gained since a few months ago, but I guess I become more disciplined (in terms of waking up at 7 A.M. every-freakin-day), more intense while working with my laptop, and definitely more experience in handling various customers. I've learned that handling and assisting customers are no child-play. Shame on people who think that this is an easy job๐Ÿ˜‚ I believe you won't last a day.

    Updates about life? Hmm.. not so much. Covid is still around and we still have to wear masks. But malls and other hip places are getting crowded. Things are starting to go back to normal (even though I don't know what to consider as 'normal' anymore).

    If everything goes well, I'll fly back to Jakarta in December. This is the only thing that I've been looking for this year. Can't wait to meet my friends and savor my cravings. But in the meantime, I still have to hustle on this job and the upcoming promotions on the marketplace that I'm currently handling. 

    So, how's this year treating you? I hope there's still luck left for us until the year is officially changed.

    See you tomorrow!


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